Anderson Family

If you came to this page because you are a relative of the Anderson family, perhaps exploring your genealogy, please help me develop this section of the book. I need pictures, letters from the past, documents, internet links, and I need your opinion and editing. You will also notice that I have sections with no comments or information associated- very often, for example, the Naturalization records category has no comments- I have not gotten around to this area of research. If you can help with the research for these sections, I would greatly appreciate your help. Join with me to make this tribute to the Anderson family accurate and memorable. Thank you! Email me at

Date of arrival: 1854.

Settled in: Almont Township, Lapeer County, then Berlin Township, St Clair County, then back to Almont.

Pioneer Families:

William Anderson, born 1828 in Scotland.
Jennett Anderson, born 1833 in Scotland.

Married: in 1854.

Children: All born in Michigan.

Anna (Ann) Anderson, born 1857.
Charlotte Anderson, born 1859.
Jennette Anderson born in 1861.
Ellen Anderson born in 1864.
Mary (Nelly) Anderson, born 1864.
William Anderson born 1867.
Margaret Anderson born 1869.
James Anderson, born 1872.
Rubin Anderson, born 1878.

Surname spelling variations: Family genealogists who helped with the book:

Neighbors and friends (taken from census records, documents, and plat maps):

From 1860 census records for Almont: We see from this record that the Andersons had Hugh Hamilton as a farm employee, so we can say that the Anderson and Hamilton families knew each other. They were neighbors with the Reed (Reid), Cochrane, and Thomson families, and lived in the settlement not far from the Camerons, Grantrs, and Robbs.

Lot 668 was the farm of the Andersons, William 32, Jennett 25, Ann 3, Charolotte 1, and laborer Hugh Hamilton 21

669 Reeds (James, Margaret, Albert)
667 Reeds (John, Elizabeth, Janet)
666 Reeds John and Elizabeth
664 Cochranes
671 Thomsons

Also found in the same census:

Robbs (listed as coming from Canada)

Intermarriages: Thomas Morton (1766 to 1841) married Elizabeth Anderson (born 1770).


Affiliations (political, social, educational, etc.)

Naturalization Records:


Census Data:

1850 Federal Census:

No record.

1860 Federal Census for Almont Township, Lapeer County:

William Anderson age 32.
Jennett Anderson age 25
Ann Anderson age 3
Charlotte Anderson age 1
Hugh Hamilton (born in Scotland) age 21.

1870 Federal Census for Berlin Township, St. Clair County:

William Anderson age 43.
Jenette Anderson age 35.
Anna Anderson age 13
Charlotte Anderson age 11.
Jennette Anderson age 9
Mary Anderson age 6
Ellen Anderson age 6
William Anderson age 3
Margaret Anderson age 1
James Anderson age 40 (could this be 4 years? or 4 months? Or was this a brother of William?).

1880 Federal Census for Berlin Township, St. Clair County:

William Anderson age 52.
Jenette Anderson age 47.
Anna Anderson age 23
Sharlot Anderson age 21
Nelly Anderson age 16
Margaret Anderson age 11
James Anderson age 8
Rubin Anderson age 3

Letters and documents:

Family (Clan) History:

"Anderson, as a family name in Scotland, is of considerable antiquity and is one of the most common, ranking as it does ninth in order of frequency amongst Scottish surnames. In its origin the name may be regarded as purely Scottish, as although it is found in other countries, it has in Scotland special reference to St. Andrew, the national patron saint." (McNie, 1986)

Family Tree: William's and Jennette's parents were born in Scotland.

Research Problems: